Being a human is having the genetic profile of a primate mammal with lineage from the species of Homo sapiens. Being ‘human’ is defined by actions and intent.  Of the vast number of creatures that inhabit Earth, humans have made a significant impact both positively and negatively.  Across cultures, there is a common thread that ties all human beings and that is our humanity.  Humanity has several definitions and can be argued indefinitely yet there is an aspect that cannot be denied: humans advance.  We advance by being able to care for ourselves, communicate, retain information, perceive, manipulate, and adjust.   The nature of modern humans has been to control the immediate environment for comfort, control, and convenience.  Building shelter, food through domestication and agriculture, sourcing water, staying warm and dry, treating wounds and illness, and showing reverence to a higher power are some reasons for our success.  Technology plays an important role in developing our humanity.  It is a manipulation of physical acts and materials as well as resources through communication and retention of information for later use. None of this would or could be possible if we did not develop a means to communicate and retain information.  The first advanced technology may have been a rendering in the dirt, a charcoal sketch on a rock, hand gestures and verbalizations to suggest an event to learn from.  We rely on each other’s experiences to help us accommodate what the world throws at us and we need a means to help us extend or physical senses.  Basic technology extends our physical senses and abilities. Advanced technology is about communication and information retention.  Information retention and communication will not improve our humanity unless we are able to understand facts.

When humans begin a dialogue, opinions are made.  Some are fact based on empirical evidence while others are biased opinions based upon a political or religious doctrine.  Often it is suggested that we should begin using basic critical thinking when engaging in a discussion.  Consider these mental mistakes that are made: misinformation effect, confabulation, proactive interference, retroactive Interference. When it comes down to making decisions and solving problems, there are a few obstacles that enter the picture such as confirmation bias, fixation, and irrelevant information.  These are rooted in emotions.  Perhaps we should throttle back emotions temporary and apply critical thinking in our discourse and decisions may improve a situation by solving a particular problem at hand.  Advanced technology allows information to be delivered quicker yet the ability to discern information and make a choice as it relates to aiding all humanity has been a burden.  If there is a rule to apply, perhaps all that we do must first pass these requirements: to preserve humanity so to advance our position in the natural world safely with minimal to no damage to all humans as well as the overall environment.  Anything that challenges that will strip us of our humanity.